Digital Tachographs- Downloads and Analysis

Effortlessly track and analyze your journey with Digital Tachographs
The Back Story.
All commercial vehicles first registered on or after 1st May 2006 that come within EU, GB or AETR rules must be fitted with a digital tachograph.
You can find all the rules and regulations here –
Tachographs: rules for drivers and operators: Overview – GOV.UK (
Tachographs record information about driving time, speed and distance and are used to ensure that both drivers and employers follow the rules on driver’s hours.
So a digital tacho download and analysis solution provides fleet operators with a quick and painless way of meeting their Driver Hours compliance requirements without a drain on resources.
Fleet Witness’ automated tacho download and analysis offering eliminates the need to manually download driver and vehicle data, not only saving time but also ensuring that you don’t risk missing any crucial infractions .
What are Digital Tachographs?
A Digital Tachograph is a radio-sized device that digitally records driver hours and speeds.
Driver and operator ‘Smart cards’ store the data digitally
Thereafter an operator, can then remotely download the data easily and quickly. Storing and analysing digitally, in line with regulation and without the time consuming manual recording and analysis.
How are DTD a benefit to fleet operators
The collected data is mandatory to store and analyse, ensuring compliance;
Other key benefits include:
Reduce administrative burden of tachograph paperwork
Ensure Compliance with EU, GB & AETR regulation
Reduce stress associated with inspections
Making informed decisions on job allocations (who has weekly hours left etc)
How DTD streamlines data collection
Digital Tachograph Data is all remotely downloaded in real-time, so no need for either a driver or a vehicle to attend at site.
Fleet Witness offers you a fully managed service that retrieves your stored data for recording and analysis. Thereafter the system generates scheduled reports directly to your inbox.
Fleet Witness can help with DTD
Our system offers a high level of flexibility in the form of configurable downloads, alerts and reports. Enabling you to specify the frequency, design and content of your reporting.
Our ethos is to concentrate on driving business performance. By focussing on helping to improve your fleet operations and solve your fleet problems, we make sure that the solution always fits your need.
For instance, our system integrates with all of the main hardware and software providers so you don’t need to change the system that you are already using.
Interested in learning more about Digital Tachograph Data, and how Fleet Witness’ automated tacho download and analysis can help simplify and automate driver and vehicle data? Get in touch with one of our team today for a chat about your requirements.
Interested in learning more?
Give us a shout in the office and ask for more information – or call us on 0203 897 3600